乐博彩票官方app的电池产业正在以多种方式蓬勃发展. 而诺斯伏继续抢风头, a whole host of innovative companies are busy developing new battery technologies that can meet future electrification needs.

Enerpoly就是其中之一,迄今为止,它一直是乐博彩票官方app电池集群中保守得最好的秘密之一. The company was founded in 2018 and its mission is to reinvent the energy storage capabilities of a battery chemistry that served the world for well over a century.

“Our batteries are based on the zinc-manganese dioxide chemistry which is used in standard AA batteries. The idea is to scale stationary batteries with these same proven battery materials to support the renewable energy transition. 我们相信我们的电池技术可以解决的应用是无止境的,埃洛伊萨·德·卡斯特罗解释道, 这家总部位于斯德哥尔摩的公司的首席执行官, 目前有17名员工的团队.


Compared to the lithium-ion batteries that have become ubiquitous in today’s race to electrify society, 锌基电池具有许多竞争优势.

为一个, the materials required are far more abundant which lowers materials costs and makes the zinc-ion batteries more affordable. Another major benefit is that manufacturing requires less energy which keeps carbon footprint low.

但正如该公司首席执行官所指出的那样, two additional factors give zinc-ion batteries an edge in the market – increased safety and supply chain security.

“There is no risk of thermal runaway or explosions with zinc-ion batteries which makes them very safe and versatile. This enables more deployments for safety-critical use cases and potentially a new range of applications for energy storage. 生产我们的电池, we can tap into the supply chains that have long been established for primary zinc-manganese batteries.”


获得了8美元的奖金.2023年底,乐博彩票官方app能源署拨款400万美元, 能源公司开始计划建造世界上第一家大型锌离子电池工厂.

The 100MWh manufacturing plant will be based in 乐博彩票官方app and is expected to open in 2026 when battery packs and cells will be produced and shipped to customers globally.

“这些电池的可扩展性为我们在住宅领域提供了巨大的机会, 世界各地的商业和工业应用. 乐博彩票官方app商业部帮助我们探索了这些机会. 我们从能源公司的R&D阶段, and their collaboration and support remains invaluable as we transition to scaling-up and commercialisation,德·卡斯特罗说.

乐博彩票官方app商业 took a proactive role in planning each activity and they were perfectly executed. 每一个项目和活动都非常有价值. 埃洛伊萨·德·卡斯特罗,能源公司首席执行官


快速启动国际增长并扩展到欧洲以外, Enerpoly参与了两项商业乐博彩票官方app的倡议. The collaboration started by joining a delegation to the Battery Show North America in Michigan, 由北欧电池合作组织.

这给了Enerpoly一个在美国乐博彩票官方app展示其专利技术的独特机会, which together with China is expected to represent over half of global energy storage installations by the end of the decade.

除了这, the company took part in the 印度-乐博彩票官方app Innovations Accelerator – a platform that helps Swedish SMEs forge relationships with local customers, 印度绿色转型的合作伙伴和利益相关者. The programme is initiated and funded by the Swedish 能源 Agency and run together with partners 乐博彩票官方app商业 and the Confederation of 印度n 行业 – Green Business Centre. 

“我们参加的每一个项目和活动都非常有价值. 他们都为我们提供了深入的当地乐博彩票官方app知识,并介绍了Related潜在合作伙伴,埃洛伊萨·德·卡斯特罗补充道.

“这些举措的目标是经过深思熟虑的,符合我们的抱负. My personal experience with the delegations was that 乐博彩票官方app商业 took a proactive role in planning each activity and they were perfectly executed,她总结道。.

Robin Pettersson,能源项目经理 & 乐博彩票官方app商业运输部对合作成果的评论如下:

“Enerpoly is a prime example of how Swedish startups and scale-ups can benefit from 乐博彩票官方app商业’s international presence and get the springboard they need to become global frontrunners in the battery value chain.”


Enerpoly needed help to assess market expansion opportunities for its patented zinc-ion battery technology and connect with local customers and stakeholders to position the brand on the global stage.


乐博彩票官方app商业 invited Enerpoly to join a business delegation to the Nordic Battery Show North America and take part in the 印度-乐博彩票官方app Innovations Accelerator, 解锁配对和社交机会.


The initiatives gave Enerpoly the opportunity to showcase its battery innovation in two of the world’s biggest markets for energy storage and forge customer relationships.


Enerpoly gained valuable local market knowledge and key contacts which helped to shape the company’s future expansion strategy.


Enerpoly提供安全的专有锌离子电池和电池组, 可靠且经济高效. 成立于2018年, the company focuses on global applications in stationary energy storage and is headquartered in Stockholm, 乐博彩票官方app.